************************************Denial covers the pain of the past * A blanket over the world * Lift a corner * Don't be afraid * Your life awaits you*************************************

Friday, September 11, 2009

Revelation from a First CoDA Meeting

On August 22nd, 2008, I went to my first CoDA meeting. The next morning, I wrote this in my journal:
I didn’t sleep too well last night, but finally fell asleep around 1:00. I woke up at 5:30 with a phrase running through my head. A shrink would probably tell me it's mania  because it feels very profound and all-encompassing and it won't leave me alone. I don't know where it came from, but it feels like it was put in my head... here it is:

Give what you can but take what you need.

It's pretty simple but to me it says it all, at the moment. Maybe that's what CoDA is all about? 


  1. Great post. I think C is absolutely correct. We are so conditioned to expect the fall. But part of our healing is about learning to enjoy life more. And holding on to that. It's not easy. But, yes, I have hope that things can and are changing. So, keep at it. Paul

  2. Thanks for reading, Paul. Indeed it is true. There will always be good days and bad days, so in a way it's true. If you feel good, one day you will not feel as good.

    But it isn't related. It's just reacting to life, and not a condition that needs correcting. By anticipating the bad, I wasted a lot of the good. I have a lot more good days and weeks now than ever before, and I am much more able to pull myself out of the bad.


Please feel free to leave your thoughts in a comment.

Co Creation

Co Creation
We create the life we live

Love your inner child...

...for she holds the key...

...to your personal power.
A lesson is woven into each day.
Together they make up the tapestries of our lives.